"With the growing prevalence of cancer diagnoses among employees, resulting in staff absence and the importance of fostering a supportive environment, we believe that implementing a C.O.N.N.E.C.T Team can bring about numerous benefits for your business."
Diamond 1 Package
The Basic Awareness Package is designed to elevate cancer awareness in the workplace, introducing fundamental support mechanisms. Establishing a foundational understanding of cancer and its impact on employees, specifically tailored to educate your C.O.N.N.E.C.T Team.
Diamond 2 Package
An advanced Policy and Leadership Package, aimed at HR teams, Managers and Wellness Champions. More advanced topics such as return-to-work support, reasonable adjustments A networking opportunity, aimed at developing comprehensive policies and long term support structures. Streamlining the use of your C.ON.N.E.C.T Team.
While advancements in cancer treatment are improving, the incidence of cancer is unfortunately increasing. An increasing number of diagnoses are being made at a late stage, resulting in very intrusive and aggressive treatment and more time off work. Health inequalities related to cancer are also recognised by the NHS to be escalating.
From 10 years of supporting cancer patients and hearing stories about inadequate return-to-work strategies and insufficient support in the workplace, we can offer a real insight in to what works and what doesn't.
We are deeply committed to reducing the number of individuals who face a cancer diagnosis, particularly those diagnosed at an advanced stage, by promoting positive education and awareness in the workplace.
Amazing inspirational cancer survivors
Cancer survivor, course facilitator
Cancer survivor and business consultant
Stage 4 Cancer survivor
Course facilitator
Cancer Survivor, course facilitator
Founder/CEO of Sam's Diamonds Cancer Support, cancer survivor
Establishing an in-house C.O.N.N.E.C.T Team will significantly impact your employees' lives by fostering a positive workplace culture, bolstering your initiatives to improve employee well-being, and demonstrating to your workforce that they are valued and cared for.
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Registered Charity No. 1164671
Website www.samsdiamonds.org.uk